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I’m really excited for this podcast episode with Rand Fishkin (@RandFish), the founder of the super-influential marketing agency, Moz. Rand shares the secrets and tricks about how traditional Silicon Valley “wisdom” leads far too many companies to struggle. Listen to the podcast online!

Are you a business owner looking for more purpose? Or are you at a big company hoping to find more meaning with your work? Rand shares how Silicon Valley wisdom can be really dumb. Many Silicon Valley entrepreneurs make stupid mistakes and get bad advice.

Rand wrote the book: Lost and Founder: A Painfully Honest Field Guide to Launching a Business.

Listen here on iTunes!

In this conversation Rand Fishkin will:

  • Demystify what it’s like to start a business in Silicon Valley

  • Share why Silicon Valley “wisdom” leads far too many startups astray

  • Describe why growth hacking is overrated

  • Explain why a minimally viable product can fail if you launch at the wrong moment.

Did you know only 5% of startup businesses make it? That means that 95% of startups fail, lose money, and never succeed. In other words, the failure chances are high with a startup. Rand started MOZ with his Mom and it now has a $50M in sales per year. You can also listen to Rand Fishkin on The Influencer Economy podcast talking about depression and anxiety.

Read Rand’s book: Lost and Founder: A Painfully Honest Field Guide to Launching a Business.
Rand’s new company: Sparktoro

Find it everywhere you listen to podcasts:
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