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Gain Influence, Pitch Your Story, Scale Your Business


How to Pitch Your Story, Collaborate with Influencers, & Scale Your Clients in 60 Days


The Influence Program is a jam-packed 8-week coaching and consulting program that includes live weekly group video chats, insightful and inspiring group collaboration with other learners, and three individual personalized 1:1 coaching calls with me. The program is $697 in total. Click here to reserve your spot in The Influence Program!

This is not your typical program for marketing your business or growing your influence. Why? Because I have practiced these methods and preach what worked for me. I not only studied these influencers, I also integrated my learnings into growing my community, launching my influencer podcast, to writing my book, booking my own U.S. speaking tour, and building my business around influencer collaborations.

In this course, each week you’ll dive into entrepreneurial case studies from successful launches in media and tech — from best-selling NY Times authors to world-renown YouTube creators to A-list podcaster hosts to game-changing tech founders and investors. The research and data is compiled directly from my 110+ podcast interviews and Influencer Economy Book.

You’ll also roll up your sleeves and put in the time to launch your idea. We’ll provide the tools, resources, coaching and mentoring to ignite/catalyze your product launch to GO BIG. This is the special offer, and it will be very interactive and personal compared to when this actual course launches in early 2019.


Ryan is an Influencer genius.  I read his book, which opened my eyes to the world of influencers, influence, and the power of collab, then actualized that information in his online course along with half a dozen other fantastically thoughtful, creative, and enthusiastic learner-collaborators.  –Simon Maskell, Founder of Workabl

“Ryan’s program is efficient and well-tailored to each individual’s plans and objectives, as far as taking the next step with an idea or evolving to the next level. Ryan helps people achieve their dreams, and has a track record of achieving his own dreams to back up his approach. – Julie Buchwald, Professional Coach

“For me, helping others along their own journeys always helps me with my own. The community and vulnerability we all shared while working toward our respective goals was really powerful and helped me immensely. Since I work alone as a consultant, it was exactly what I was missing from my professional life.” – Angie Hilem, Social Media Marketer

Click here to reserve your spot!

I define an influencer as someone who leads a movement based on the passion and loyal support of their niche community. Seemingly overnight, influencers can inspire a smaller project into a world-changing idea. Influence is not something you are born with—it’s a learned and acquired skill. And like most things, one’s influence can be honed and crafted over time. You cannot buy influence, you have to earn it.

I’m equally looking for feedback to make this launch successful. This is very discounted. I am going to charge at least $1500 for the full course when it launches. This time around, everyone’s going to roll up their sleeves and invest into helping one another.

In this course, you will build your community, collaborate with influencers with proven methods and grow your own influence. All the while you’ll be building your systematic launch plan, to launch with influencer collaborations. Click here to hold your spot

1. Finding Your Big Vision Launch Plan

Every student in The Influence School will craft a bigger vision around their brand. You’ll learn how to create the framework to structure a 30-day re-launch plan for your business/startup media project.

We’ll help you to pick a launch date, working backwards to prioritize launch goals. And I’ll teach you to define your big vision and marry it with your longer-term influencer collaboration strategy. You will define your niche for your idea, community and ultimately your influencer collaborators.

You’ll find out how to define goal-oriented milestones to help create and evaluate your idea no matter how early you are in the process. With our collaborative support, by the end of the course, you’ll execute from a big vision foundation.

2. Growing Your Platform and Brand Storytelling

You’ll learn to treat your business like you would any cutting edge product. You’ll create a minimum valuable brand identity, build a plan to empower your alpha community, and set yourself up to acquire users, customers and emails. Ultimately your platform will be the pathway to influencers. And you need a strong network of community members and customers to get you on that path. you need to focus on general smaller projects along the way to find the path to greater influence. I’ll help you hone in on one platform to grow your identity in your business field.

What is a viable platform for my work? I get this question a lot because platform building taps a particular mindset. And platforms are your foot in the door with influencers to help you launch your plan. I’ll teach you how to strategically collab with your community to grow social and network proof.

Platforms can be: webinars, podcasting, writing an e-book, building an online business, building a tech product, public speaking, coaching programs, courses and YouTube video making. These are just a few examples of the types of learners who join The Influencer Bootcamp.

3. Mobilizing Your Customer Community

I’ll teach you to define the micro-community for your idea, building a content creation plan and editorial calendar to reach them. We’ll create habits and get through your organizational roadblocks to help launch your idea. We will be prioritizing an outreach action plan to find the first 100 fans/users and then define the same plan for the first 1,000 fans/users.

Your early adopters are gold and we’ll find a pipeline to them during this period. We want you to execute your idea by creating a systematic launch framework and testing your idea with your early community. We want to collaborate with these folks right away!

4. Collaborating with Influencers

You’ll learn to define the key influencers in your industry. Influencers are often key partners, advisors and advocates for longer-term relationships and collaboration. Then you will reverse engineer your marketing plan to create a platform to connect and collaborate. I will share my cold outreach templates for reaching influencers. You’ll learn how to network at events, and use my own methods for how I cold email, Tweet and introduce myself to influencers. These are influencers I often met without a “warm” introduction, and with whom I still work and collaborate today.

This method will work for you. We’ll focus on your business category and define your specific niche to find the right influencers who can raise the stakes of your business launch. We’ll embrace my own “sales method” that I use to this day to reach influencers and drive leads and opportunities through these connections.

5. How to Sell Your Vision to the World

Every influencer that I know has failed and faced rejection along the way to the top. You’ll learn how to fight through rejection and how to overcome the challenges with finding the right influencers to collaborate with. Moreover, we’ll talk about how to “draft” off of the success of the influencers with whom you collaborate. And also I’ll teach you how to get “A Hell Yes” from your influencers rather than a “No.” We’ll also dive into planning and organizing lunches, dinners and influencer events to connect with people in your field.

Remember you must wear rejection like a badge of courage, and we’ll help you find technology solutions to help with your launch plan. Most importantly, we’ll help you to overcome hurdles in order to thrive and succeed in the influencer economy. We’ll get you past your anxiety and stress, and get you to your influencers during your 30-day launch!

The Influence Bootcamp is a jam-packed 8-week course that includes lives weekly webinars, insightful and inspiring group collaboration with other students, and three individual personalized 1:1 coaching calls with me. The price is $697 in total. Click here to reserve your spot in The Influence Bootcamp!

What’s the price?

I’m equally looking for feedback to make this launch successful. Which is why the course is so discounted. I am going to charge at least $997 for the full course when it launches next year. This time around, everyone’s going to roll up their sleeves and invest into helping one another.

What Will the Course Deliver, and Why is this Offering Cheaper than the Full Course?

This session will be very interactive and a true co-lab. It’ll be more hands on for myself and the students. Everyone who takes it will get to know me and the other group members. The aim is to build both offline and online relationships, get product feedback from the group and we’ll be co-labbing. It’s cheaper because I’ll be asking everyone in the group to give input for The Influence Program course. We’ll both invest our time to make this course better for future students and in return I’ll make it more personal. It will be fun and you’ll get results. When the course fully launches it will be more expensive and have larger batches of students.

Here’s to going after your launch – I am excited to be working with you!

  1. It ’s a 8-week 5-module course Delivered online and live, via PDF, Video and audio

  2. Initially delivered via a group chat on a video webinar

  3. 3 total, 1 on 1 coaching calls Weekly Q and A’s with other students in the program

  4. Unlimited email support

  5. Private online community to help launch your ideas

Click here to secure your spot, right now. 


Ryan’s program kept me laser-focused, not only on the overall vision of my business, but also the small daily steps that have lead to it’s success.– Joe L., Reality Rebel Podcast

Ryan has been influential in helping me understand strategies to share and launch my idea. I highly recommend it for anyone looking to turn their idea into reality. – Glen. H., Founder of GOAT


Ryan Williams is a media strategist and international speaker who helps professionals and entrepreneurs reinvent their careers. He is a former Media Relations Manager at Disney, and Director of Marketing at Machinima.com and State.com. In early 2014 he launched his Apple “new and noteworthy” podcast, Stories from The Influencer Economy, which Inc. Magazine called a Top Podcast to make you “Better, Smarter and Wiser,” and in 2016 published his book The Influencer Economy which was a top 50 Kindle Creativity book.

Ryan’s writing has been featured in The Huffington Post, The Observer, Success Magazine and USA Today.  He has given trainings and lead talks at SXSW, University of Southern California, Vanderbilt University, WeWork and General Assembly. He currently runs his own consulting business and lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two girls.

How to Launch Your Idea: Collaborate with Influencers, Grow Your Community and GO BIG With Your Vision in 30 Days