Paul Jarvis On Happiness in Business & A Company Of One
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Paul Jarvis is the author of Company of One: Why Staying Small Is the Next Big Thing for Business. Paul is a software designer, author, and online course developer. He has even worked with Shaquille O’Neal to build his website. Paul also thinks about the world with critical thought. He wants to teach you how to do the same. This week Paul Jarvis joins us to talk about happiness in business and running a company of one.
Paul Jarvis has grown his company very methodically. He doesn’t work 80 weeks. Paul doesn’t grind it out all year. He also take two months off from blogging in order to take a sabbatical. Paul wants to teach you how to focus on your own business health and wellness. He works hard on the right things. Paul Jarvis prioritizes how to be happy over how to grow fast.
In this episode we talk about how it’s normal for companies to stay small. Many business owners want hyper-growth, million dollar projections, and to shoot for the moon. For most of us, that is the wrong model to follow. Growing a business doesn’t mean you have to grow fast. Happiness in business matters.
Paul chats about:
Finding purpose with how we make money
Why we need to generate profits first, before focusing on projected growth
How working for yourself can provide more happiness
Why growth hacking is a stupid term, it doesn’t work for everyone’s company
Why working 80 hours is detrimental to your work life balance
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