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Ryan Williams and Willie Geist on Stories from The Influencer Economy

Ryan Williams and Willie Geist on Stories from The Influencer Economy

In this episode I talk with Willie Geist, co-host of the TODAY Show and Morning Joe, and a multiple time NY Times best-selling author.  Willie is an old friend from Vanderbilt and it was awesome interviewing at his office in NYC a few weeks ago.

Willie chats about his book Good Talk, Dad:  The Birds and The Bees…and Other Versions We Forgot to Have, which he co-authored with his father Bill Geist.  Good Talk, Dad became a NY times best-seller, without having any orders pre-sold through Amazon. This is a big deal, because the bulk of book orders in this modern day come from pre-ordering on Amazon’s website.  Willie details why he and his Dad wrote the book together, and how they marketed it to their audiences around Father’s Day.

Then, we dive into various chapters of the book. This includes reminiscing about the famed Big Sky Basketball Tournament @ Vanderbilt University that we both played in back in college.  Willie also talks about what it’s like crossing over to other shows like Andy Cohen’s Bravo Show, Joel McHale’s “The Soup,” and working on The Olympics with Brian Williams and Michelle Beadle. Andy Cohen and other friends were instrumental in helping to market “Good Talk. Dad,” helping it reach best-seller status.

Buy Willie and Bill Geist’s book “Good Talk, Dad”: http://www.amazon.com/Good-Talk-Dad-Conversations-Forgot-ebook/dp/B00EXTVSMI

Follow Willie Geist on Twitter: https://twitter.com/williegeist

Watch Willie on the Today Show: http://www.today.com/

What you’ll learn on this episode (show notes)

  • How Willie and his dad Bill Geist collaborated to write the book Good Talk, Dad
  • What compelled Willie to write the book with his father
  • How Willie marketed the book without any pre-orders from Amazon
  • How Willie Geist, Andy Cohen and Lil’ Kim drank shots from a shotski together on “Watch What Happens Live.”
  • Why “Watch What Happens Live is the most fun you’re allowed to have on TV
  • What it’s like working with Brian Williams and Michelle Beadle
  • What the Big Sky basketball tournament is all about at Vanderbilt University