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For the inaugural podcast, I was proud and excited to interview Burnie Burns of Rooster Teeth.  Burnie is a pioneer in the  video and production world, and is the founder Rooster Teeth, an online video juggernaut.  Burnie speaks with at great length about the origins of Rooster Teeth and their early hit tentpole series Red vs. Blue.  We chat about how Red vs. Blue is possibly the largest fan film ever, as well as an early and big example of the machinima filmmaking style.  Burnie also gives some great advice to emerging video creators, and we discuss his perspective on the current YouTube ecosystem.  We even talk about his favorite Austin, Texas BBQ, along with hearing his thoughts on how he launched Red vs. Blue launched back in 2003.      Download the podcast on iTunes

Check-out RoosterTeeth.com, follow Burnie on Twitter, and subscribe to the Rooster Teeth YouTube Channel.

Burnie and Ryan at the YouTube L.A. Space during #tubeathon

Burnie and Ryan at the YouTube L.A. Space during #tubeathon

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