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Hrishikesh Hirway in The Influencer Economy

Hrishikesh Hirway in The Influencer Economy

Hrishikesh Hirway (@HrishiHirway) is a  musician, story-teller, and podcast host who hosts Song Exploder (@songexploder). It’s a podcast where musicians take apart their songs, and piece by piece, telling the story of how they were made. Hrishikesh has hosted inspiring and loved musicians such as U2, Björk, Postal Service and Spoon on his show. He is a podcast mastercraftsman. We talk in depth about his creative process and how he launched his idea to the world. We dive into how he created one of the most successful music podcasts. There’s lots to learn from him. If you have a creative idea in the digital age, you’ll like this episode. We talk about launching the Song Exploder Podcast and all the work and thinking that went into his podcast creation and launch. It’s not easy making a world-class podcast. And Hrishikesh Hirway finds the truth in his story-telling. Whether editing, interviewing or producing, he knows how to bring out the true nature of his guest’s stories.

Stories from The Influencer Economy

<H2>As a podcast listener Song Exploder invites you into the mindset and framework of some of the bigger touring acts and indie artists in the music world. You can hear Wilco’s Jeff Wilco explain what inspired him to write the song Magnetized. Or U2’s The Edge breaking down the process for how the music was written for U2’s song Cedarwood Road, while The Edge’s bandmate Bono looks back at his life growing up in Dublin where he was inspired to write the song. And Postal Service’s Jimmy Tamborello shares the District Sleeps Alone Tonight, and talks about his instruments, his influences, and accidentally making a loop out of Jenny Lewis’s backing vocals</H2>

-Please Review our podcast on iTunes, it really helps us get discovered in iTunes by new listeners. 🙂 Influencer Econoy on iTunes to review AND to order The Influencer Economy Book please buy it now.

Hrishikesh doesn’t always ask the artists about their big hit singles. He doesn’t look for answers to  their world-wide hits. He connects with personal and intimate tracks. That are composed and created by the artist. Song Exploder offers a cool personal window into the world of how artists create, write, and score the songs that people love. I recommend listening to Song Exploder.

This week Hrishikesh Hirway talks in depth about how he created the idea for Song Exploder. He launched it to the world with the help of Jesse Thorn and his Maximum Fun podcast network. And is thriving as part of the Radiotopia network which is part of PRX in Boston.

Do you want to listen the episode with Hank Green? He’s the founder of the world-famous VidCon conference. He also co-created the Vlogbrothers YouTube channel with his brother John. And even invented the 2D glasses. Another YouTube-focused episode is with comedian Franchesca Ramsey. We chatted about putting in the work after going viral with your video.

And I want to give a high five to my friends Kerri Hoffman and Maggie Taylor at PRX. You may remember Kerri and I did a panel at SXSW 2016: Podcasting Grown-up: Community and Monetization. 

If you like this episode, feel free to tag @songexploder (https://twitter.com/songexploderon Twitter to give Hrishikesh Hirway some love.

Influencer Economy on iTunes

Influencer Economy on iTunes

Hrishikesh Hirway’s Song Exploder: http://songexploder.net/

RadioTopia: http://www.radiotopia.fm/

PRX:  http://www.prx.org/

Ryan Williams’ Influencer Economy website: https://www.influencereconomy.com/

Stories from The Influencer Economy